Opis produktu: The Portable Art of Mesolithic Europe - Płonka Tomasz
The Portable Art of Mesolithic Europe - Płonka Tomasz
Spis Treści : Introduction; General remarks; History of research; Evidence and methods; Acknowledgements; I. Portable art. of early Mesolithic (the Preboreal, Boreal, Boreal/Atlantic transition); II. Portable art. of the late Mesolithic; III. Provinces of portable Mesolithic art.; IV. Function and meaning of Mesolithic portable art.; V. Origins of Mesolithic portable art.; Final remarks; Bibliography; Repertoire of engraved, pointille and drilled motives in European Mesolithic portable art.; Catalogues; Maps 1-31; Plates I-III; Figures 1-275; List of tables; List of maps; List of plates; List of figures.