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Fluoride in medicine, biology and toxicology


Fluoride in medicine, biology and toxicology

Cena: 21.50 zł

Opis produktu: Fluoride in medicine, biology and toxicology
Fluoride in medicine, biology and toxicology

The book is meant for specialists in toxicology, dentistry and biochemistry.A book called ''Fluoride in medicine, biology and toxicol ogy'' consists of articles on fluoride - the most reactive of all elements. Fluoride is widely distributed in the air, water and soil . Trace elements are essential for human health but could be toxic if their concentration exceeds the permissible level. The authors present how fluoride affects all living organisms: humans, animals and plants, and point out the role of fluoride in tre atment. The book is meant for specialists in toxicology, dentistry and biochemistry.
  • author: Dariusz Chlubek

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